Sunday, September 2, 2012

Another One Bites the Dust

One more school in our community replaced and the "old" school almost completely torn down.  The latest was a middle school that was built with the last 30 years or so; it hadn't been built when I went to junior high.  For many years there were two junior high schools, which then became two middle schools, for the community.  Now there will be one location for the middle school classes.

I'm a bit sad over this.  Not because of any sentimental attachment to the school (only set foot in it for basketball games for my niece and friend's kids over the years), but because of the waste.  The school that was demolished was one of the newer buildings.  The older junior high/middle school remains, although being used in a different capacity.  When the new high school is complete and the move completed, the newest building of all of the school buildings will be among those demolished.  Sigh.  I don't get it.

I did stop by the demolition site today and took some pics . . . I won't bore you with all of them, but I will share some (you know I love construction and demolition!).

Foreground:  debris from demolition of old school.  Background:  new school.

I liked this shot for two reasons:  1) the big ol' honking piece of steel girder all mangled and curled; and 2) the way the debris pretty much framed the name of the school.

Yup, that would be some massive amounts of demolition debris!

I'm always amazed that any of the bricks stay together after watching how they do the demolition.

Quite a variety of items here:  cinder blocks, window frames, conduit of some kind, a desk, what looks like a huge bulletin board . . . what else do you see?

This was lying on the ground near the "Caution" tape.  I doubt many of us could find a use for a rubber lined fire hose that wouldn't get us into a whole lot of trouble!  But then again, it could be a whole lot of fun, anyway.

And what still remains, unscathed by the wrecking ball.  Still a lot of work to be done.

This sign was in front of the old school; don't know if it will stay, get moved, or be replaced, but I liked having it with the demolition equipment, the debris in the background, and then the new school in the far background.

This piece of equipment is HUGE (and I do believe those letters on the side spell out "Sledgehammer").  Wish I had some time to watch them do some of the clean up, but that won't be happening any time soon.

Several times over the next week, I'll have some new and interesting photographic opportunities.  If things turn out as nicely as I hope, I'll be sharing some of them with you.  Several have me very excited already, but I don't want to give away all of my secrets quite yet!

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