Thursday, October 18, 2012

Pretty Little Cria

I love learning new words.  I love learning new words and being able to use them.  About three months ago I first read the term "cria" and have been looking forward to using it.  There are a couple of reasons I've looked forward to using it:  1) because I don't feel I've really learned a new word unless I've used it; and 2) a cria is a baby alpaca (as well as other types of camelids, i.e. llama, vicuna).

My friends at Purdy Lil' Suri Alpaca Farm experienced the first birth at their farm this past Monday.  They now have a male cria, as of yet unnamed, who is simply adorable.  Of course, I invited myself over to take some pictures of the little guy, and feel the need to share the overload of cute with you!  In these pics, the cria is only 2 days old; they gain about 0.5 lbs a day.  Poor momma alpaca has a gestation period of about 11.5 months.  Yikes!

These next 4 pictures are sequential shots of the little guy yawning . . . he was just so cute with the toothless gums.

I wanted to touch his fur/hair, but kept my distance to keep him from being anxious.  I know there will be many more chances for me to visit with the girls and cria (and another cria is due with in the next month!), and I'm hoping I'll be able to get closer.  I really want to get better pics of the eyes/eyelashes . . . just one of those things that's intriguing me.

Suri is one of two types of alpacas.  The other is huacaya.  The suri's locks are long, twisted or flat fibers, draping along the side of the body; the huacaya's (wuh-KAI-uh) fiber resembles that of a sheep.  Interestingly, alpaca fiber is warmer than wool AND hypoallergenic.  There are a lot of items made from alpaca fiber, but you have to know where to find them.  Check out the facebook page for my friends' farm for more pictures (some you will recognize).  They do have some items for sale as well, but not via facebook or internet at this point.

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