Tuesday, March 27, 2012

I would like to thank . . .

Well . . . I barely got my last post finished and published when I was notified I'd been given an award!

I must begin my thank you speech (wait, don't play the music yet!!!) with owlthingsfirst.  The lovely Jenny authors the blog, and is the person responsible for encouraging me to begin blogging, and who has shown unwavering support for my posts.  Blogging for only a week makes me completely inadequate for the award.  I'm only now beginning to get a glimpse of the discipline and creativity required to blog and support other bloggers . . .

And now, I face a conundrum!

The rules for this award are to:

  1. Link back to the blogger who gave you the award.
  2. Pass the award on to 15 other lovely bloggers.
  3. Follow the person who sent it to you.
Rule #2 may just disqualify me from accepting this award.  I am so new to the blogging world that I'm only following two bloggers (one of whom sent me the award!).  So I'm good for Rules #1 and #3 . . . 

In the spirit of this prestigious award, I must pass it along to (drum roll, please):  rim2rim4thecity.

And what is ironic and or coincidental?  Both the person who sent me the award and who I sent the award to are part of the group I had just finished posting about . . . ahhhhh, friends!

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